Sustainable Viticulture in Panzano in Chianti

Villa le Barone : Preparing for the shooting by  Photographer Michael Somoroff
Villa le Barone : Preparing for the shooting by Photographer Michael Somoroff

Since 2005 ,the Panzano in Chianti ‘s vintners have join forces to put into practice a sustainable viticulture, producing healthier wines without chemical residues , and therefore bringing benefits for the consumers, for the environment , and from a social point . Villa le Barone has on its wine list the best wines produced by Panzano ‘s vintners!

In 2005, 19 vintners of Panzano in Chianti joined forces to create a free and independent group to exchange experiences, and develop common projects and initiatives. They have common values, which Villa le Barone also shares: the love for the territory, Panzano, the passion for their work, the commitment to a continuous quest for quality. Each of the vintner and wine makers are making wine with their own grapes and run their winery directly. It is a wine that incorporates in its taste and aroma the characteristics of the territory where it grows, and this makes it unique! It is impossible to reproduce this wine in other parts of the world!

Panzano in Chianti: decor by Luca Carfagna for the Wine Festival Vino al Vino
Panzano in Chianti: decor by Luca Carfagna for the Wine Festival Vino al Vino

The Panzano ‘s vintners have now created the Experimental Research station for Sustainable Viticulture (SPEVIS, Stazione Sperimentale for Sustainable Viticulture) to help wineries to adopt organic methods . The objective is to make Panzano the first Italian organic zone, respectful of the territory, where no synthetic chemicals are being used. Everyone gains from this approach: the consumers, who will enjoy a better wine, the local environment, with less pollution for the soil and for the underground water, the local people, and the workers.
Guests of Villa le Barone will find on our wine list those wonderful wines produced in Panzano, and Giulia, our head waitress, will be most pleased to help them in choosing the best wine to fit the excellent dishes prepared by Alessio our Tuscan chef, with the help of Tommaso.